Jungle Theater production of Shirley Valentine

Jungle Theater production of Shirley Valentine
By Willy Russell
Directed by Bain Boehlke
Starring Cheryl WillisJungle Theater production of Shirley Valentine
By Willy Russell
Directed by Bain Boehlke
Starring Cheryl Willis
Set Design by Bail Boehlke
Lighting Design by Barry Browning
Costume Design by Kalere A. Payton
Sound Design by Sean Healey
Stage Management by John Novak
Production Management by Barry Browning
Technical Direction by Wu Chen Khoo
Carpentry by Kristin Larsen, John Stillwell, Matt Erkel, Allana Olson, Erin Wallace, Alex Lundberg, Dave Salmonson, Bill Cassidy, Jeff Johnson, Nate Kulenkamp, and Nancy Waldoch
Electrics by Ray Stevenson and Darcie Peifer
Wardrobe Management by Sondra Veldey
Lead Painter Samantha Johns
Painting by Savannah Reich, Brian Hesser, Alisa Mattson and Christopher Allei
Properties by John Novak
Production Intern Nerissa Nordquist
Scenic Design Assistance by Amber WR Miller
Stagehand Eric Zuelke

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