Now at G12 Galleria in Töölö (12 Töölöntorinkatu 3 00260 Helsinki), you can see Minna Havukainen’s photography exhibit EXITUS.
Though the display is just eight pieces, consisting of seven photographs and a short video display, the impact is quite large. You really get the somber feeling of being at a funeral, and the portrayal of death is very real and human. The recorded tolling of funeral bells adds to the effect.
Previously, the exhibition has been shown in Havukainen’s hometown of Turku and Kuopio (in 2009 and 2010 respectively). It’s Part of Helsinki Photography Biennial, which runs through April 30th. (Visit HPB on Facebook).
EXITUS runs at G12 Galleria from March 17, 2012 through April 5th. They have pulla and coffee on Sundays.