Slideshow: Best New Bands of 2009 Showcase at First Avenue

HowWasTheShow is proud to present Jenn Barnett’s photos from Friday night’s Best New Bands of 2009 Showcase at First Avenue. The slideshow is set to “Dreams” by the Twilight Hours.

Additional text by David de Young.

Leisure Birds, No Bird Sing, Peter Wolf Crier, Red Pens, The Twilight Hours, Slapping Purses, Moonstone and special guests TheAfternoonDLight graced the stage of First Avenue Friday night.

Peter Wolf Crier was the subject of much post-show buzz as former leader of the now defunct Wars of 1812, Peter Pisano played acoustic guitar while Brian Moen played drums, and with only the additional help of some foot pedals, the duo filled the room both energetically and sonically.  Seeing the Twilight Hours was another highlight for me, and somewhat nostalgic as well, when I recalled the first time I  saw Matt Wilson and John Munson share a stage together was my first First Avenue ever when I saw Trip Shakespeare many (many) years ago.

The quality and diversity of the bands showcased at this event, presented annually by Radio K, continues to make for one of the best local shows of the year.

Hosted  by Cities 97’s Jason Nagel and 89.3 The Current’s David Campbell, the event was a knock out from start to finish.