We had the pleasure recently of speaking To Jeremiah Gamble. Jeremiah has written, stars in, and (with spouse Vanessa Gamble) has composed the music for Kingdom Undone, a remarkably intelligent and challenging telling of the Passion of Christ story. The play runs two more weekends at the excellent Southern Theatre, closing Easter Sunday. Jeremiah and Vanessa also run a highly successful theater, Theater For The Thirsty.
HowWasTheShow.com:Â How’s Kingdom Undone going?
Jeremiah Gamble: It’s going quite well. It’s a project I’ve been working on for three years. It really came together. It’s everything I hoped it could be, which you can’t always say in life. Response has been good. We won’t have to take out a loan.
HWTS: I’m delighted to hear that. I noticed in the program a certain vagueness about whether Theater For The Thirsty is producing Kingdom Undone. Is it?
JG: No. Theater For The Thirsty is a for-profit organization and for Kingdom Undone we had to raise money, get grants. Vanessa and I are sponsored by Springboard For The Arts. For this play we created a non-profit production entity, The Bucket Brigade.
HWTS: This may be an unfair question, but were you aware that you were writing Kingdom Undone for a religious audience? Did this affect your approach?
JG: Well, a writer always asks, who is my audience. With Kingdom Undone, I was trying to live in the tension between Christian and non-Christian audiences. I wanted to appeal to both groups, and I really wanted to tell the story well.
HWTS:Â It’s a fabulous story.
JG: Christians often interface with the events of Jesus’s Passion, in church, at this time of year. But often, they don’t get a sense of the building tension of the story. We don’t give them every event. We omit a lot. We emphasize certain things.
HWTS: One really interesting aspect of your play is that Judas Iscariot is not portrayed as a villain. In fact, he’s the hero of the piece. Is there anything else unusual in your telling?
JG: Well, one surprise is the humor. People aren’t used to seeing this story told so comically. Also, the take on Jesus is unusual.
HWTS:Â What’s happening with Theater For the Thirsty?
JG: This project could be a game-changer. We’re asking ourselves: what stories do we really need to tell? Kingdom Undone has provided a point of connection with other artists and given us a hunger to work with more people.
Our next project will be: ‘Til Death, A Marriage Musical. I’m working with Vanessa on this one. We’ll be collaborating with at least one other couple. We hope to be ready this fall.