MINNESOTA FRINGE: August 5, 2015



Th 8/6 5:30; F 8/7 5:30; Sa 8/8 5:30; Su 8/9 5:30

What privilege to be able to see the Haydell Sisters, Maybelle and Mattie. The last time they were in town they played at the Target Center, a well-known music venue. This time around they have deigned to decorate the Nomad World Pub, on Cedar Avenue, and if their sweeter-than-honey smiles don’t completely melt your heart, well, you need professional help. Their smiles, and their musical chops are first rate.

And their songs? Yikes. The Haydell vibe, which they milk endlessly, is to sing simple and catchy but nasty, bitter and spiteful tunes (all original I believe) with sweet girlish passion. “Your broken heart is no excuse to be an asshole,” Mattie says, under her sugary breath. “This from the mouth of a woman who lines her hat with tinfoil.” “I love Lyle Lovett’s reliable cease-and-desist letters.” “I’m required by court order to keep 50 feet away from Alan Jackson.” That sort of thing.

Funny! Really! If you’re looking to while away a pleasant hour in a relaxed air-conditioned space, drinking the cold beverages the pub staff is happy to serve up, think of the Haydells. They’ll be happy to see you.



Sa 8/8 10:00; Su 8/9 5:30

Beautifully done “found theater.” Two performers from Duluth, Brian Ring and Jonathan Manchester, found a notebook in front of their apartment building. It contained a bitter, spiteful, near-hysterical breakup letter. Manchester performs it (at least I think it was Manchester. There was no program. The actor could have been Ring) complete with spelling errors and fractured grammar. “What an idowit I was to put you on a pedestle.” “I rally car for you.” As a result, Everything You’ve Done That Hurt Me is thigh-slappingly comic…

..and heart-breaking. Manchester (or Ring?) doesn’t pull back from strident anger, nor from the anguished feeling of loss and betrayal the nameless notebook writer expresses. His bitterness at the conduct of his anonymous girlfriend is portrayed perfectly, with real respect. Ring (Manchester?) adds some very tasty songs, giving the actor some much needed breathing space.

I wish the actor had slowed down and played the material more deliberately. But this is a minor complaint. The combination of passion and comedy makes Everything You’ve Done That Hurt Me one of the best Fringe shows I’ve ever seen. There are only two more performances. Don’t miss it.