Author: John Olive

Interview With Jon Klein

Jon Klein’s funny and sharp T Bone N Weasel premieres this weekend at the excellent Theatre Pro Rata.  The play runs at the Gremlin Theatre, 2400 University Avenue in St. Paul, through March 18.  Jon was kind enough to respond…

Talley’s Folly at Workhouse Theatre Co.

Talley’s Folly (Workhouse Theatre Co., through March 11) is the late and greatly lamented (he died not quite a year ago) Lanford Wilson‘s most-performed play.  In part, the reason for this is practical: Talley’s Folly is a two-hander, featuring two…

Buzzer at Pillsbury House Theatre

The past is painfully present in Tracey Scott Wilson‘s evocative (and challenging) Buzzer (Pillsbury House Theatre, through March 18).  Jackson is the very model of a successful three piece suited attorney: perfect pedigree (Exeter/Harvard University/Harvard Law School), salary augmented by…