Author: John Olive

Annie at the Children’s Theatre Company

Jumpin’ Jehosaphat, but those orphans are cute.  Led by the inimitable Annie, belting out the uptempo “Maybe”, a niftily drawn 1930s NYC skyline looming in the background, the girls dance and mug winningly and by golly they steal our hearts. …

Man Of La Mancha by Ten Thousand Things Theater

When Ten Thousand Things applies their patented Poor Theater style to a musical warhorse – as they did with last year’s My Fair Lady and now do again with Man Of La Mancha (various venues; the public performances are at…

Stomp at the Ordway

The amazing Stomp (at the Ordway, through April 3) has rolled into St. Paul for a breathless one week run.  Created way back in 1991, the show has enjoyed lengthy runs in London, New York, Sydney, Rio, San Francisco, Athens,…

Arms And The Man at the Guthrie Theater

In Arms And The Man (on the Guthrie‘s McGuire Stage, through May 8 ) George Bernard Shaw hides deep cynicism in plain sight, behind a veneer of flashy dialogue, sweet romance, giddy farce, lovable preening upperclass characters.  We laugh, get…

Broke-ology at Pillsbury House Theatre

Broke-ology (Pillsbury House Theatre, through April 10) breaks no new ground.  Playwright Nathan Louis Jackson‘s writing is lovely, but it’s straight forward realism, a father-son drama played in a modest and tidy living room/kitchen.  The designers, led by the estimable…

Hair at the Orpheum

I was an earnest schoolboy in a small southern Minnesota town when Hair (at the Orpheum, through March 6, produced by the Hennepin Theater Trust) first came out.  It blew me away.  I never saw the actual show, of course;…

Song Of Extinction by Theater Latté Da performing on the Guthrie’s Dowling Stage

Normally Latté Da specializes in intelligent but feel-good music theater: All Is Calm, La Bohème, The Full Monty, etc.  But here they are, tackling E.M. Lewis‘s challenging straight play (such an odd term) Song Of Extinction (Theater Latté Da performing…

Doubt, A Parable at Ten Thousand Things Theater

Does anyone doubt Father Flynn’s innocence? John Patrick Shanley‘s masterful Doubt, A Parable (Ten Thousand Things Theater, through March 6) is often portrayed as a mystery.  Did Flynn, as Sister Aloysius so stridently claims, really commit “an indiscretion” with the…