Author: John Olive

Annie at the Children’s Theatre Company

Jumpin’ Jehosaphat, but those orphans are cute.  Led by the inimitable Annie, belting out the uptempo “Maybe”, a niftily drawn 1930s NYC skyline looming in the background, the girls dance and mug winningly and by golly they steal our hearts. …

Stomp at the Ordway

The amazing Stomp (at the Ordway, through April 3) has rolled into St. Paul for a breathless one week run.  Created way back in 1991, the show has enjoyed lengthy runs in London, New York, Sydney, Rio, San Francisco, Athens,…

Broke-ology at Pillsbury House Theatre

Broke-ology (Pillsbury House Theatre, through April 10) breaks no new ground.  Playwright Nathan Louis Jackson‘s writing is lovely, but it’s straight forward realism, a father-son drama played in a modest and tidy living room/kitchen.  The designers, led by the estimable…

Hair at the Orpheum

I was an earnest schoolboy in a small southern Minnesota town when Hair (at the Orpheum, through March 6, produced by the Hennepin Theater Trust) first came out.  It blew me away.  I never saw the actual show, of course;…

Doubt, A Parable at Ten Thousand Things Theater

Does anyone doubt Father Flynn’s innocence? John Patrick Shanley‘s masterful Doubt, A Parable (Ten Thousand Things Theater, through March 6) is often portrayed as a mystery.  Did Flynn, as Sister Aloysius so stridently claims, really commit “an indiscretion” with the…