Category: Theater

Hamlet: timeless and brand new

If there is one word in theater that’s recognized globally, it must be “Hamlet;” to take on this play is a somber responsibility. Park Square Theatre, under the guiding hand of director and scenic designer Joel Sass, has opened a…

The Music Man: seeworthy

To begin on a mercantile note: Artistry Theater charges $41 for a ticket to The Music Man (Artistry, 1800 Old Shakopee Road in Bloomington, through Nov 5). This is 1/4 of what they get at the Orpheum, 1/3 of what…

Hoopla Train: goofy, beery fun

In order to enjoy the appealing Hoopla Train (Sod House Theater, various venues, through Oct 15; visit for specific info), it helps to make a commitment: to beer. Avoid hard liquor. You don’t wanna get snaky drunk. You want…

In The Heights: beautifully overdone

In The Heights (at the Ordway through September 24) – despite its glitziness, its over-the-top-ness, its (extreme) loudness – beautifully invokes the heat, the funk, the grit of a New York City summer. Better than anything I can think of…