Category: Theater

4000 Miles by Park Square Theatre

It’s those tell-tale hugs. Sweet, warm and tender, tension dissipating. Complete with comforting pats on the back: there, there. I think you’re just swell. I’m so glad you are who you are. Gosh. The hugs will clue you in: there’s…

Loves Labours Lost by The Moving Company at the Lab Theater

The Moving Company’s reimagined “Love’s Labours Lost” is not your usual Shakespeare play, but this company “reimagines” theater the way the rest of us order lunch. This show is clever, beautiful and downright funny. Steven Epp’s and Nathan Keepers’ performances, co-imagined and…

On Golden Pond at the Jungle Theater

The Jungle Theater closes its season with the familiar and lovely “On Golden Pond” by Ernest Thompson, starring a “golden” duo, Bain Boehlke and Wendy Lehr. I don’t know how many shows Boehlke and Lehr have done together, or “how…