Category: Theater

Deathtrap at the Jungle Theater

“Do you have any idea how much,” Sidney Bruhl rhapsodizes in Deathtrap (at the Jungle, through May 19), “a play like that is worth in today’s market?  Two million dollars!” Is it really possible?  That a combination of glib theatrics,…

Spunk at Penumbra Theatre

Review written by Janet Preus and John Olive. Penumbra Theatre came charging back to life last night with a production of Spunk, an adaptation of three stories by the great Zora Neale Hurston, written for the stage by George C,…

Elemeno Pea at Mixed Blood Theatre

Money porn. There’s a long tradition in American storytelling of asking audiences to gawk at the shallow goings-on of the ultra-rich.  The tradition began in the 20s with the work of Edith Wharton, came into its own during the Depression…