Category: Theater

Cinderella at the Ordway

The Ordway Center for the Performing Arts is offering up a magical evening for families this holiday season with Rogers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella. No, it’s not about Christmas, but it’s a gentle and satisfying story full of sparkle and spectacle…

The Soul of Gershwin at Park Square Theatre

For the holiday season, Park Square Theatre has chosen to revive the warmly received show about George Gershwin that premiered there in 1999. The Soul of Gershwin: The Musical Journey of an American Klezmer is a delightful musical offering: a…

Winter Dreams at In The Heart Of The Beast Puppet And Mask Theatre

“Leaves leaving the branches… Winter is coming…” such is the opening line to this delightful winter’s tale chanted in ethereal tones reminding the audience that the curtain has just raised on the opening act of this region’s coldest of seasons.…

Charley’s Aunt at the Guthrie Theater

First the good news: the design of Charley’s Aunt (at the Guthrie through Jan 15) is exquisite.  The Guthrie’s tech department, the best in the country, really outdid themselves (between this play and the richly produced A Christmas Carol they…

The Santaland Diaries at Frank Theatre

Go to the Ordway and experience the “timeless enchantment” of Cinderella ($113 per ticket).  Or try the Guthrie’s A Christmas Carol, after 35 years still “as powerful and uplifting as it ever was” ($73).  Or maybe CTC’s “beloved” The Wizard…

A Christmas Carol at the Guthrie Theater

“A turkey?!” sputters the Cranky Critic, sufferer from permanent indigestion and squinty short-sightedness.  “There were no turkeys in 1840 England.  Ha.  This is nothing more than an excuse for the Guthrie prop department to manufacture an oversized bird, stick it…

Joy, a Holiday Cabaret, an Interact Theater

Interact Theater’s mission is to create art that challenges perceptions of disabilities. After last night’s performance of their new holiday show, “Joy, a Holiday Cabaret” (at at The Lab Theater, 700 First St. North in the Minneapolis Warehouse District through…

The Wizard Of Oz at the Childrens Theatre Company

  CTC’s The Wizard Of Oz (Childrens Theatre Company, through Jan. 8, 2012) imitates the 1939 MGM classic beat-by-beat: the structure is identical, the character conceits, the exquisite Arlen/Harburg songs.  Much of the play’s dialogue comes directly from the movie. …

Center of the Margins Festival at Mixed Blood Theatre

GRUESOME PLAYGROUND INJURIES Mixed Blood Theatre has opened an ambitious three-play series they call Center of the Margins with the goal of “exploring the complex world of disability,” the publicity explains. The first play, Rajiv Joseph’s Gruesome Playground Injuries has…