Category: Theater

Hamlet at the Jungle Theater

Hamlet (at the Jungle Theater, through Oct 9) is the greatest play ever written.  William Shakespeare‘s sinuous exploration of (in no particular order) revenge, love, ambition, power, madness, violence, suicide, lust, agonizing passivity, aristocratic privilege represents, along with the Sistine…

Minnesota Fringe Festival 2011

Billed as “Minnesota’s festival of the performing arts”, The Fringe Festival boasts performances of 160+ shows spread over a breathless ten day period, Aug 4-14.  We at (J.O. = John Olive and J.P. = Janet Preus) offer herewith highly…

“9 to 5: The Musical” at the Ordway Center for the Performing Arts

The Ordway has picked a light, summertime treat with the national touring production of “9 to 5: The Musical.” Based rather faithfully on the 1980 movie, with over-the-top aw-shucks humor it tackles, somewhat literally, a very serious subject indeed: gender…

“West Side Story” at the Orpheum Theatre

  There’s still time to make a performance of West Side Story brought to the Twin Cities by the Hennepin Theatre Trust – and you should! This recent revival keeps all the grace and beauty of the original Broadway production,…

Street Scene by Girl Friday Productions at the Minneapolis Theater Garage

Elmer Rice‘s brilliant Street Scene (beautifully done by Girl Friday Productions, performing at the Minneapolis Theater Garage through July 30) burst onto the Broadway stage in 1929.  Groundbreaking, realistic but not grimly naturalistic, Street Scene explores the textures of life…

H.M.S. Pinafore at the Guthrie Theater

Perhaps director Joe Dowling and playwright Jeffrey Hatcher (provider of “additional material”) are right: as it stands Gilbert and Sullivan‘s gloriously English, emphatically 19th century H.M.S. Pinafore (at the Guthrie, through August 28) is too dry and dreary for 21st…

Panic at Park Square Theatre

In Panic (at Park Square Theatre, through July 10), playwright Joseph Goodrich creates a “cozy” mystery: characters are powerful, wealthy, self-assured.  They live postcard-perfect lives.  Henry Lockwood, famous film-director, prepares to open his latest film (a grand success, of course)…

Guys And Dolls at the Ordway

“What kind of doll are you?” Sky Masterson, high-roller extraordinaire, asks incredulously. To which Sergeant Sarah Brown, proud marcher for the Salvation Army, now sober after getting herself roundly sloshed on Bacardi-flavored milkshakes, replies defiantly, “I’m a mission doll!”  End…

Songbird by Upright Egg Theatre Company at Nimbus Theater

Upright Egg Theatre Company has opened a company-created show set in a steampunk world laced with dozens of metaphor fragments about love and loss, manmade machines versus nature, lower versus upper classes, beauty versus functionality. But that doesn’t really tell…