Category: Theater

“Black Nativity: Now’s the Time” at Penumbra Theatre

This year’s Black Nativity, an annual tradition at Penumbra Theatre, takes a modern approach, hanging the nativity story on a contemporary American family. Conceived by Lou Bellamy and T. Mychael Rambo, and directed by Dominic Taylor, Black Nativity: Now’s the…

“A Christmas Carol” at the Guthrie Theater

The Guthrie Theater has faithfully delivered on our secret holiday wish: a fresh, new version of Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol, this one adapted by Crispin Whittell and directed by Artistic Director Joe Dowling. This script has a decidedly lighter…

Cowboy Versus Samurai by Mu Performing Arts at the Guthrie’s Dowling Studio

Michael Golamco‘s amiable Cowboy Versus Samurai (Mu Performing Arts performing in the Guthrie‘s Dowling Studio, through Nov 28) is loosely based on Edmond Rostand‘s 1897 classic, Cyrano de Bergerac. Ah, but with one crucial distinction: Golamco’s letter composer, Travis, lacks…

Table 12 and An Adult Evening Of Shel Silverstein by Freshwater Theatre at the Minneapolis Theatre Garage

For its premiere production, Freshwater Theatre remounts two (successful) comedies from the Fringe Festival: Table 12, A Play At A Wedding and An Adult Evening Of Shel Silverstein (Freshwater Theatre performing at the Minneapolis Theatre Garage, Franklin and Lyndale, through…

“Fully Committed” at The Jungle Theater

If you’ve ever “worked the phones,” been in the service industry, or brushed up against the sometimes silly arrogance of the rich and/or famous, you will so understand this play. However, Fully Committed, by Becky Mode, directed by Casey Stangl…

Spring Awakening at The Orpheum Theatre

In Spring Awakening (Hennepin Theatre Trust performing at the Orpheum, tonight — Nov 7 – only) the musical creators have made a magical discovery: that the flowery 19th century text can be combined with 21st century rock music and the…

The Crowd You’re In With

Walking Shadow Theatre Company’s fifth season begins with the local premier of a play by Rebecca Gilman, The Crowd You’re In With. Set in present day Chicago, and played entirely on the patio behind a small apartment building, the private…

The 39 Steps at The Guthrie Theater

In The 39 Steps (on the Guthrie‘s McGuire Stage, through December 19) everything is played for yuks.  Character transitions are made onstage, often with actors simply donning a new hat or coat (four performers divvy up every character in the…