Category: Uncategorized

Article | HWTS’s Top Plays Of 2017

Our second year-end wrap-up. Most of the shows were reviewed, but some were not. For those for which reviews exist, helpful links are included. We’re lucky to live in such a good theater town.   MARI WITTENBREER Full disclosure: I…

Review | The Unscripted Minnesota Holiday: improvised fun

Looking for a little alternative holiday entertainment? Something that doesn’t require dressing up or pondering the financial commitment for the tickets? Well, here it is: Dangerboat Productions “The Unscripted Minnesota Holiday” at the Bryant-Lake Bowl Theater – and it’s family-friendly…

Hamlet: timeless and brand new

If there is one word in theater that’s recognized globally, it must be “Hamlet;” to take on this play is a somber responsibility. Park Square Theatre, under the guiding hand of director and scenic designer Joel Sass, has opened a…

Electra: a two thousand five hundred year old gem

In Ten Thousand Things’ delicious Electra (various venues, opening at Open Book Oct 13; see TTT’s website for specifics; scheduled through Nov 5), Electra’s brother Orestes brings in the recently severed head of Aegisthus – his and Electra’s father’s murderer…

Circus 1903: Step right up!

Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls Circus 1903 is in town. And what a fine circus it is. Couched in the conceit of an old fashioned big top entertainment from the turn of the last century Circus 1903: The Golden…

Fiddler On The Roof: another barebones masterwork from TTT

When Ten Thousand Things, decides to mount Fiddler on the Roof, one of Broadway’s longest running and best loved musicals, one can’t help but wonder just how they will handle it. The answer is a singular, energetic experience. The itinerant…