Tag: Dowling Studio

The Edge Of Our Bodies at the Guthrie

As the audience enters the theater for the performance of Adam Rapp‘s taut The Edge Of Our Bodies (in the Guthrie‘s Dowling Studio, through Nov 20), actor Ali Rose Dachis sits, prim and unmoving, on the edge of a chair. …

reasons to be pretty by Walking Shadow Theatre Company performing in the Guthrie’s Dowling Studio

Steph is angry.  Angry is to put it mildly.  Steph is furious, screaming, in a state of howling rage, throwing pillows, stomping around the bedroom, spewing the fuck word and various other obscenities with machine-gun-like abandon.  Her boyfriend Greg, the…

Violet, a Theater Latté Da production at The Guthrie Theater

Theater Latté Da’s new musical, Violet – nicely suited to the Guthrie’s black box space, the Dowling Studio Theater – is a tight little ensemble piece that spins along like the bus carrying its title character on her literal and…

Yellow Face, a Theatre Mu Production at The Guthrie Theater

David Henry Hwang calls the question very early in Yellow Face (produced by the always worthwhile Theatre Mu in the Guthrie’s Dowling Studio, through Feb 21, guthrietheater.org): “Is race a meaningless construct?” Who, the play asks, is more authentically Chinese? The successful…