Tag: Open Eye Figure Theatre

Review | The Ugly One: an actual German comedy

All well and good, the Guthrie’s glitzy production of Guys And Dolls; and it’s good that they’ve scheduled (rescheduled actually) Shakespeare’s masterful history cycle; and it’s wonderful that in Three Little Birds CTC put together a show based on music…

Interview With Janet Preus: author of Welcome To Hell

Editor’s Note: Janet Preus’s wonderful Welcome To Hell recently closed at Open Eye Figure Theater. Because it had a very short run (a single weekend) and because Preus is a longtime reviewer at www.HowWasTheShow.com, we chose not to fully review…

The Red Shoes mind-bends a classic

  Open Eye Figure Theatre and Oddfellows Collective, a new theater entity formed of well-known local artists, most notably the play’s writer/director/designer Joel Sass and writer/performer Kimberly Richardson, have opened “The Red Shoes.” Although inspired by the Hans Christian Andersen…

Steampunk Delusions at Open Eye Figure Theatre, produced by Hardcover Theater and English Scrimshaw Theatrical Novelties

Steampunk Delusions features two plays, one produced by Hardcover Theater and the other by English Scrimshaw Theatrical Novelties. Hardcover Theater fills a curious niche in the Twin Cities, bringing to life somewhat obscure books and stories in sparsely but cleverly…

Franz Kafka’s Metamorphosis, a Frank Theatre Production at Open Eye Figure Theatre

“Delightful” and “fun” aren’t the first two words that come to mind when one seeks to describe the literary legacy left by Franz Kafka.  But Frank Theatre’s narratively-faithful rendering of  the Bohemian writer’s 1915 novella The Metamorphosis — which opened…