Tag: Walker Art Center

NIWA GEKIDAN PENINO–“Out There” at The Walker

I think I’m going to stick with the theme of upended expectations while reviewing this year’s “Out There” Series at The Walker.  Last night’s production, Kuro Tanino’s “Nikwa Gekidan Penino” (The Room Nobody Knows) was the poster boys (boys?) for that…

WONDERBAUM & LAPD at The Walker’s Out There 2014

Almost a decade ago, I learned my lesson about walking into a theatre space and rolling my eyes at the set.  I was at the Walker Art Center’s annual “Out There” series.  Back then I was going through my first…

Nature Theatre Of Oklahoma, At The Walker Art Center

Alternately exhilarating and tedious, Nature Theatre of Oklahoma’s “Life and Times:  Episode One” is, without a doubt, a one-of-a-kind experience. “Life and Times” is a sung-thru music-theatre piece, using as its libretto 16 hours of recorded audio—company member Kristin Worrall…

Kill The Vultures at Walker Art Center

As the haunting introduction of their classic “Beasts of Burden” provoked the mingling attendees to occupy a state somewhere between bewilderment and apprehension, Kill the Vultures‘ poet Crescent Moon and DJ Anatomy capped a wave of unbridled tension last Friday…