Tag: Walking Shadow Theatre Company

“An Ideal Husband,” produced by Walking Shadow Theatre Company at Red Eye Theater

Walking Shadow Theatre Company doesn’t produce period plays, typically, but its artistic directors have had Oscar Wilde’s “An Ideal Husband” in the back of their minds for quite a while, I was told. They pulled it out at just the…

reasons to be pretty by Walking Shadow Theatre Company performing in the Guthrie’s Dowling Studio

Steph is angry.  Angry is to put it mildly.  Steph is furious, screaming, in a state of howling rage, throwing pillows, stomping around the bedroom, spewing the fuck word and various other obscenities with machine-gun-like abandon.  Her boyfriend Greg, the…

after the quake by Walking Shadow Theatre Company

Japanese novelist Haruki Murakami is a master of the everyday surreal: he creates ordinary characters – bank clerks, university students, data processors – and builds around them fantastic dream-like stories.  Like Dorothy thrust into the land of Oz, Murakami’s people…

Drakul at Walking Shadow Theatre Company

Dracula burns with sexuality: the oily count, dressed in smooth leather and crisp shirts, his creepy yet compelling accent, so obsequiously polite.  And of course his gleamingly sharp teeth as he wraps the swooning maidens in his cape and drinks,…

The Crowd You’re In With

Walking Shadow Theatre Company’s fifth season begins with the local premier of a play by Rebecca Gilman, The Crowd You’re In With. Set in present day Chicago, and played entirely on the patio behind a small apartment building, the private…